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Sunday Devotion - March 22nd, 2020

Let us pray.

We lift our eyes to You, Heavenly and Most Gracious Father, from where our hope and help comes. You are the maker of heaven and earth. Today Lord, we cry out to You on behalf of all church families who cannot be together.  Even though You said be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let our request be known, it is heart-wrenching not knowing what is happening and where we are going.

We feel so overwhelmed and helpless. Give us the peace that surpasses our understanding so our hearts can be guarded from negative thoughts, Lord.

You said You would never leave us or forsake us. And therefore, we continue to trust and hope in the mighty working power of the Holy Spirit. We trust that you will take care of us in the midst of this evil virus that has visited the world. 

We declare today Lord that we continue to stand strong in faith, believing that we are safe.

In the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your everlasting mercies, SO BE IT… Amen and Amen.


To listen to the sermon, click below.

Message:    The Lord is More Than my Shepherd


Let us pray


God of comfort, peace, and security: We know that trusting you for protection will not guard us from every danger. But we can rest assured that no power on heaven or earth can separate us from the presence of your love. Guide our feet, hold our hand, and search our hearts while we run this race, so that our running would glorify you. Meet the needs of you people Father, no matter what they are.

Lord, you are bigger than this virus, and we are praying that these numbers will start going down. We are praying that anyone that has it will be healed. And we are praying, Lord, that we will not live in fear but we will live in faith

“Give wisdom to the authorities, as they deal with this. Help them to know what to do, when to do it, the steps to take, the practical things that we should do.  But Lord we do not rely only on that. We are prayerful, looking to you, knowing that you are God, that you are our Father and that you love us.”



Okay folks

Please listen to the music in the link below and then find some time to study the 23rd Psalm using this guide after the link.

I will see you next week.

My Life is in Your Hands

Read: Psalm 23

•          Which of the following images from Psalm 23 are most comforting and why? (makes me lie down in green pastures; leads me beside still waters; restores my soul; leads me in right paths for his name’s sake?)

•          Come up with opposite images for verses 1-3 (for example: “I take paths of self-destruction, or I often lie down in self-pity”)

•          How are the shepherd’s (God’s) rod and staff comforting? (The staff or crook would keep the sheep on the path; the rod was used to ward off scavengers.)

•          How is eating at a table of abundance in the presence of enemies an image of security?

•          In verse six, we read about God’s goodness and mercy following us. A more literal translation might note that we are being pursued by God’s goodness and mercy. How is it comforting that God will pursue us even when we have gone off the path or when we are in danger?

•          Having explored the rest of the psalm, what do you think the opening line, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” is referring to? (We learn to want the things the Shepherd would want for us – security, abundance, comfort in who God is guiding us to be.)

•          Name a time when you felt God (or someone else) was helping you along your journey (or running the race with you.


End by singing or reading:

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul


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United Federal Credit Union

 9040 Benson Ave

 Montclair, CA 91763        -   Routing #- 322280906     Account#-11300006018661

Or by mail or by drop off at the church office.


SCRIP Purchase

Please continue to send Scrip request to Terry and Marilyn.  The next order will be sent on April 4th but you can put in your requests now.

Marilyn can be reached on (951 314 4527)

Terry can be reached on (909 768 3006)

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    United Methodist Church of Cucamonga
    7690 Archibald Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
    Phone: 909.987.3214